Welcome to the first issue of Moon Hunters: Tales of the River Folk.
It’s been quite a while since I drew this first issue. As Moon Hunters is a comic that I have traditionally done most of the work myself, it’s taken me quite a while to get each book done. As it stands I am completing the third and final issue of the first arc.
I remember starting Moon Hunters and just wanting to create a book that was fun. I wanted to do a fantasy story without dragons and typical cliches. I still find myself as an inexperience writer falling back on cliches from time to time but in general I love world building and just having fun with the characters.
I also wanted to create a book that my daughter could enjoy. There were so many superheroes and stories that appealed to my son but my daughter just wasn’t interested. It changed when i created Moon Hunters and we could have something we could read together and enjoy.
Anyway I hope